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WER steckt hinter plantiful travels?

Hi! I'm Nina, the founder, traveller, sustainability and veganism enthusiast behind Plantiful Travels.

I have built this blog with the aim to to share travel destinations, guides for budget travelling and my experiences as a vegan traveller all around the world, including working abroad. This blog is dedicated to helping others realizing their travel dreams and explore new destinations

Furthermore my aim for the future is to inspire and motivate to a more conscious mindset and sustainable travels. 

My readers are mainly between the age 25-35, although I have older/younger demographics as well. They love adventure and look to explore new and unique places, while meeting local people, enjoying local vegan food and experiencing an authentic travel adventure. 

To learn more about my reader demographics, my follower statistics and more, don't hesitate to contact me for my Media Kit! 

What I Can Offer

Blog Articles

Are you looking for an interesting story, travel tips or other content?
I have an infinite number of authentic and honest stories to tell about traveling.
I also have many first-hand travel tips that you won't find in any travel guide. 

So let me help you fill your pages with unique, authentic, exciting and well written content. Not just any ordinary blog articles.

Product Placement & Sponsoring

Do you have a cool product that my community needs to get to know? 
Do you have a nice hotel that suits me? 
You offer a travel service that my community should learn more about? 

I am happy to present you and your product in a creative and authentic way on my platforms. Of course only if I think it suits me.

Excellent Photography

A picture says more than a thousand words. 
I am able to inspire your fans and followers through high level-photography. 

Destination Marketing &  Press Trips

You offer a one-time trip and think me and omg community need to get to know it?
Do you want to promote tourism in your country and present your country and its adventures to our community? 

I am always looking forward to discovering new countries, journeys and adventures that I can share with the world. So invite me on a journey through your country and I share my experiences with the world in high quality photos and videos.  

Contact Me